Report Summary
The consumer reported that the pacifier came apart. The nipple detached from the rest of the pacifier and was caught her 5-month-old child's mouth blocking his airway. The consumer stated that this was the second of these pacifiers that failed, it was about 2 weeks old.
Product Details
- Product Description: MAM pacifier. bought in a two pack plastic storage case. about 13 dollars for two of them.
- Manufacturer/Importer/Private Labeler Name: MAM USA
- Brand Name: MAM
- Model Name or Number:
- Serial Number:
- UPC Code:
- SKU#:
Date Manufactured:
- Retailer: Target
- Retailer State:
Purchase Date:
- Product Category: Baby
- Product Type: Nursery Equipment & Supplies
- Product Code: Pacifiers or Teething Rings (1525)
Incident Details
- Incident Description: MAM pacifier came apart the nipple detached from the rest of the pacifier. it was caught in my child's mouth and blocking his airway. this is the second MAM pacifier we have had fail, we caught the first one before it came completely apart. the pacifier was about 2 weeks old.
Incident Date:
- Incident Location: Street or Highway
Victims Involved
- Injury Information: Incident, No Injury
- My Relationship to the Victim: My Child
- Gender: Male
- Victim's Age When Incident Occurred: 5 months
Comments from the Manufacturer/Private Labeler
- At MAM, safety is our top priority. All MAM products meet or exceed all CPSC requirements and included in those requirements for pacifiers are structural integrity tests. Teething can start as early as 3 months of age, and therefore all of our pacifiers are accompanied with the warning that states - “inspect carefully before each use, especially when the child has teeth” and “throw away at the first signs of damage or weakness”. We appreciate all consumers who contact us, as it gives us the opportunity to address any concerns, and gain feedback on our products. Consumers can call us toll free at 866-949-1174.
Additional Details
Submitter has product?:
Product was damaged before incident?:
Product was modified before incident?:
- If yes to any, explanation: this company needs to be made aware of this choking hazzard. this could cost a young child his or her life. children sleep with these in their mouths.
Have you contacted the manufacturer?:
If Not, Do you plan to?:
- Report Number: 20150803-D9148-2147429673
Report Date:
Sent to Manufacturer/Importer/Private Labeler:
Report First Publication Date:
- Category of Submitter: Consumer