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Report Summary


Product Details
  • Product Description: Dreamland Baby Sleep Sack 0-6 months weighing .8lbs, zippers in front, green in color
  • Manufacturer/Importer/Private Labeler Name: Dreamland Baby Co
  • Brand Name: Dreamland Baby Sleep Sack
  • Model Name or Number: Unknown
  • Serial Number: Unknown
  • UPC Code: Unknown
  • SKU#: Unknown
  • Date Manufactured:
  • Retailer:
  • Retailer State:
  • Purchase Date:
  • Product Category: Furniture, Furnishings & Decorations
  • Product Type: Bedroom, Bedding & Bath
  • Product Code: Nonelectric Blankets (4008)
Associated Recall
Incident Details
  • Incident Description: Child was placed in Dreamland Baby weighted swaddle sack (0-8 lbs) and placed in swing where she died.
  • Incident Date: 6/16/2023
  • Incident Location: Home/Apartment/Condominium
Victims Involved
  • Injury Information: Death
  • My Relationship to the Victim: Unspecified
  • Gender: Female
  • Victim's Age When Incident Occurred: 2 months
Comments from the Manufacturer/Private Labeler
  • Dreamland Baby Co: Dreamland Baby Co. is committed to product safety and takes reports of incidents involving its products very seriously. Any incident notifications received by Dreamland are investigated and analyzed to ensure that there are no larger safety concerns to address. In this instance, Dreamland has no additional information regarding the incident beyond what is contained in the Report. No consumer has ever contacted Dreamland about an alleged incident matching this description. Based upon the limited information contained in the Report’s Incident Description, there is no indication that a Dreamland product played any role in this alleged incident, only that the child had supposedly been placed in a weighted swaddle sack. The Report also indicates that the child had been placed in an inclined swing at the time of the alleged incident, which is not recommended. There is no indication in the Report of what might have caused or contributed to the alleged incident or even what possible factors were looked into, including the swing, underlying medical conditions, or any other potential factor. Dreamland’s weighted sleep sacks were designed in collaboration with pediatricians, NICU nurses and certified sleep consultants and are safe when used as intended.
Additional Details
  • Submitter has product?:
  • Product was damaged before incident?:
  • Product was modified before incident?:
  • If yes to any, explanation:
  • Have you contacted the manufacturer?:
  • If Not, Do you plan to?:
  • Report Number: 20240108-D04D9-2147342934
  • Report Date: 1/8/2024
  • Sent to Manufacturer/Importer/Private Labeler: 1/18/2024
  • Report First Publication Date: 2/15/2024
  • Category of Submitter: Medical Examiner and Coroner