Report Summary
47 YOM consumer's 3D laser printer has a high voltage red wire that shorts out and burns hole in insulation. The wire was sparking and there was a small flame coming from the newly burnt out hole in the wire. Electrocution and fire hazard. No injuries.
Product Details
- Product Description: Glowforge pro laser cutting machine
- Manufacturer/Importer/Private Labeler Name: Glowforge Inc.
- Brand Name: Glowforge
- Model Name or Number: Glowforge pro
- Serial Number: Rhk-942-4
- UPC Code:
- SKU#:
Date Manufactured:
- Retailer: Glowforge website
- Retailer State:
Purchase Date:
- Product Category: Home Maintenance and Structures
- Product Type: Tools & Hardware
- Product Code: Other Portable or Stationary Power Tools (809)
Incident Details
- Incident Description: I have a glowforge. I was using it. Cutting out a wood project. There is a high voltage red wire that is shorting out and burning a hole in the insulation. I tried to repair it my self because glowforge company wants over $1,700 to send a refurbished machine which will have the same issue in a year or so. The last time this happened to me I heard the wire sparking and saw a small flame coming from the newly burnt out hole in the wire. This is extremely dangerous, it can cause electrocution and fires.
Incident Date:
- Incident Location: Home/Apartment/Condominium
Victims Involved
- Injury Information: No Incident, No Injury
- My Relationship to the Victim: Self
- Sex: Male
- Victim's Age When Incident Occurred: 47 years
Comments from the Manufacturer/Private Labeler
- Glowforge Inc.: After investigating the report and using the provided serial number, Glowforge Inc. has determined that the printer in question was more than two years out of warranty at the time of the alleged failure. In such cases, Glowforge offers customers the option to exchange their printer for a refurbished replacement at a fraction of the cost of a new printer. These refurbished printers undergo rigorous quality checks before being shipped to customers. Therefore, there is no factual basis for the reporter's concern that the "same issue" would occur within a year.
Additionally, Glowforge has found no record of the record of this printer shorting, sparking, or causing a flame. Even if such events did occur, it is important to note that our machines are fully enclosed and designed with common grounding techniques to protect users from electrical faults. This ensures that no hazardous situation would exist.
We take all complaints seriously and strive to provide outstanding products and customer service.
Additional Details
Submitter has product?:
Product was damaged before incident?:
Product was modified before incident?:
- If yes to any, explanation:
Have you contacted the manufacturer?:
If Not, Do you plan to?:
- Report Number: 20230818-0A2D9-2147345733
Report Date:
Sent to Manufacturer/Importer/Private Labeler:
Report First Publication Date:
- Category of Submitter: Consumer