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Report Summary

60 YOM consumer's ladder collapsed when he was on 5th rung. One of the two copper spreader braces got weakened and was severely bent. Consumer fell. He landed on back and hurt his foot. He believes these should be recalled.

Product Details
  • Product Description: STANLEY Fiberglass step ladder - Made in Mexico - Model no.: ST677PW Mk 5 - Medium duty/commercial use - 225 lbs load capacity - Type II - Ladder size: 7 ft - Maximum reach: 11 ft - Highest standing level: 4'9" - Certification: OSHA | ANSI A 14.5 - P/N: 100529-30 - Rev C 9/08 - Manufactured and distributed by WernerCo, Greenville, PA 16125
  • Manufacturer/Importer/Private Labeler Name: Werner Co
  • Brand Name: STANLEY
  • Model Name or Number: ST677PW Mk 5
  • Serial Number: 100529-30
  • UPC Code: 0 51751 06639 5
  • SKU#:
  • Date Manufactured: 8/1/2008
  • Retailer: Walmart or Home Depot
  • Retailer State:
  • Purchase Date:
  • Product Category: Home Maintenance and Structures
  • Product Type: Ladders
  • Product Code: Ladders, Other or Not Specified (4078)
Associated Recall
Incident Details
  • Incident Description: Stanley Tools ladder ST677PW manufactured by WernerCo must be recalled. I am not sure if I bought this ladder at [REDACTED]. I am 6'2" and 190-195 lbs; I am not overweight at all. I am an electrical engineer with 35 years of experience. I have a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering. I am the author of a book. I am approaching 60. I am a U.S. citizen. While on the fourth or fifth step of the ladder, and with the ladder on concrete and level ground, the ladder collapsed and I fell onto the ground. It was so painful that I could have died or gotten paralyzed. With God's help I did not fall onto the ladder itself. If I did, my tissues would have been shredded and my bones and spine broken. When trying to understand what happened, I could see that one of the two copper spreader braces got weakened and was severely bent (see the pictures I am attaching). It is a pity that I took the pictures after I attempted to straighten the brace. This cannot be reversed now, but the ladder's collapse cannot be disputed whatsoever. The ladder is available for inspection. It can be picked up at my home. The grass in the pictures is just because I was trying to avoid the sun and get the best possible pictures. When I fell the ladder was on level concrete ground. Detailed structural analysis and finite element analysis (with calculations of the forces and moments on the two spreader braces) must be done. The report should reveal the weaknesses. This is a 30-minute job if WernerCo / Stanley Tools has a reputable structural analysis software like [REDACTED]. I am an engineer and could easily tell that the two spreader braces are very thin and weak. They need much more strengthening / enforcement. This ladder is neither stable nor reliable nor safe and must be immediately recalled. All customers must be informed of how they can get their ladders replaced. This incident must taken seriously to prevent other people from being killed or seriously hurt. The correspondence I had with Stanley Tools and WernerCo shows irresponsible, lawless companies that will do anything and everything to slip accountability. WernerCo's CEO did not respond to an email directed to him and sent to his email address. A Claims Administrator at WernerCo offered me $100 to accept by August 17, 2023. The Claims Administrator wrote: "I spoke with our engineering team, and it is their position that the damage shown to your ladder does not indicate a defective product in any way. They are confident that the damage is a result of the accident, not the cause of it. As it was explained to me, a ladder would never sustain such damage under normal circumstances and especially after 15 years of use without any prior incidents. Please know that all Werner ladders are designed, manufactured, and tested to meet/exceed all Standards maintained by OSHA/ANSI. Your ladder, model ST677PW, Mk 5 has tested and proven to withstand loads well in excess of 900 lbs. Our team also advised that the only purpose of spreader bars is to properly distance the front and rear rails of a ladder. They do not ‘hold’ any weight of a person who is working on the ladder. One of their most effective demonstrations to a jury is to overload a ladder, such as yours, with 4-5 men, then have someone physically cut both spreaders to show that the ladder will not fail/collapse." This is reprehensible. WernerCo's answer is rejected; it is representative of a defiant, irresponsible company that is willing to go the wrong way to avoid responsibility. I am not looking for $100. The accident could have resulted in death or paralysis. The product is defective. This is a safety issue that could hurt or kill others. WernerCo must investigate and conduct structural and finite element analysis. If not, WernerCo commits a huge mistake by disregarding accidents, failures, safety, and quality. WernerCo's case before the jury must be re-opened and investigated anew. WernerCo says: "the damage is a result of the accident, not the cause of it". When there was an accident, my questions to WernerCo are: "How did the accident happen? How did the ladder collapse? Why did the ladder collapse? How and why did I fall down?" Isn't this enough for WernerCo to say: "We must understand what happened." I am not overweight at all. My weight (190-195 lbs) is even a bit below someone with my height (6'2"). What caused the ladder to collapse? This is a question that WernerCo must answer through proper, impeccable engineering analysis. Millions, even billions, of products around the world are certified and manufactured according to safety and quality standards. Such products are also issued certificates by [REDACTED]. That, however, does not relieve the manufacturer from thoroughly investigating a safety accident when it occurs. That WernerCo demonstrated something to a jury in the past does not relieve WernerCo from responsibility for all future accidents. The same is true for all manufacturers worldwide. Think of recalls. Aren't [REDACTED], etc vehicles manufactured to safety and quality standards? Do such companies not employ competent engineers? Do such companies not have engineering and design reviews? Aren't their vehicles tested and certified by independent bodies? Do they not have design, safety, and quality certificates? They absolutely do. Still, accidents happen and sometimes people die. Such companies are investigated and charged. They are forced to do recalls if they do not do it voluntarily. That they did a recall in the past does not mean anything and does not relieve them forever from responsibility. When accidents happen, they must be investigated regardless of all the standards that a company follows; regardless of all the certifications that the company has; and regardless of all testing done on the product in the past. I requested that the case be escalated within WernerCo, but my request was ignored. Action by WernerCo is urgently needed. WernerCo must investigate and must assume responsibility. This is a serious safety issue and a product failure that could result in many others being hurt or even killed. I could barely walk for a week. I wanted to see if I get better on my own within a reasonable time. I did not go to a doctor because I never like to go to doctors. I had a slipped disk in 2008. Only God and the future will tell if this accident contributed to worsening my situation. My left foot is almost always numb because of the slipped disc pushing against the nerve. Today, I have no pain. I can say I am OK with the exception of the numbness in the left foot. That, however, does not mean that the accident gets ignored and the case closed. That will be a huge mistake, especially because the Claims Administrator talked about previous accidents.
  • Incident Date: 4/3/2023
  • Incident Location: Home/Apartment/Condominium
Victims Involved
  • Injury Information: Injury - No First Aid or Medical Attention Received
  • My Relationship to the Victim: Self
  • Gender: Male
  • Victim's Age When Incident Occurred: 60 years
Comments from the Manufacturer/Private Labeler
Additional Details
  • Submitter has product?: Yes
  • Product was damaged before incident?: No
  • Product was modified before incident?:
  • If yes to any, explanation: Unfortunately, I straightened the brace that was severely bent. That cannot be reversed now, but it cannot be disputed. Then it took me a while to realize that I should have reported the accident instantly; it cannot be forgotten. Others will get hurt.
  • Have you contacted the manufacturer?: Yes
  • If Not, Do you plan to?:
  • Report Number: 20230805-34F97-2147345984
  • Report Date: 8/5/2023
  • Sent to Manufacturer/Importer/Private Labeler: 8/8/2023
  • Report First Publication Date: 8/22/2023
  • Category of Submitter: Consumer