Report Summary
Consumer was using baby bottle and nipples to feed a female baby. Doctor told consumer that the nipples are not functioning properly and baby is getting malnourished and dehydrated. Consumer states that this is a big health hazard and endangerment for babies.
Product Details
- Product Description: Philips Avent Natural Response nipples in sizes 2, 3, and 4. Their other nipple sizes likely have the same issue, but these three sizes were the ones we tried. The Philips Avent Natural bottles used to come with the "Natural" nipple, which worked fine. They changed their nipple design to "Natural Response" nipple, which is the one that doesn't work properly. This is not due to manufacturing defects, the issue lies with the inherent design of the nipple not allowing enough flow.
- Manufacturer/Importer/Private Labeler Name: Philips Consumer Lifestyle
- Brand Name: Philips Avent
- Model Name or Number: Avent Natural Response Nipple sizes 2, 3, and 4
- Serial Number:
- UPC Code:
- SKU#:
Date Manufactured:
- Retailer:
- Retailer State:
Purchase Date:
- Product Category: Baby
- Product Type: Nursery Equipment & Supplies
- Product Code: Baby Bottles or Nipples (1509)
Incident Details
- Incident Description: We have tried to use Philips Avent Natural baby bottles to feed our newborn. The issue is with their new Natural Response nipple. Hardly any milk comes out, even though our baby is healthy and has a strong latch. We tried using level 2, 3, and 4 nipples with our baby, and our baby still wasn't able to get enough formula. Our pediatrician told us our baby wasn't getting nearly enough to eat, she was dehydrated at only 4 days old, and when the pediatrician tested our baby bottles, she couldn't get much formula to come out. She informed us to switch to a different brand of bottle immediately. Our baby was very dehydrated after only 3 days of use, I'm scared to think of how much worse she could've gotten had we not known and continued using the product for longer. I'm concerned that this product is endangering babies because parents might think it is safe to use.
Incident Date:
- Incident Location: Home/Apartment/Condominium
Victims Involved
- Injury Information: Injury - Seen by Medical Professional
- My Relationship to the Victim: Unspecified
- Sex: Female
- Victim's Age When Incident Occurred:
Comments from the Manufacturer/Private Labeler
- Philips Consumer Lifestyle: This product meets all applicable safety and regulatory requirements. It is our standard practice to investigate all complaints related to safety and in this particular case, we have been in contact with the submitter for details on the incident and are attempting to retrieve the product for further investigation.
Additional Details
Submitter has product?:
Product was damaged before incident?:
Product was modified before incident?:
- If yes to any, explanation: The nipples and sizes we tried were not damaged, the design of the nipples is the problem.
Have you contacted the manufacturer?:
If Not, Do you plan to?:
- Report Number: 20220414-D082F-2147356873
Report Date:
Sent to Manufacturer/Importer/Private Labeler:
Report First Publication Date:
- Category of Submitter: Child Service Provider