Report Summary
The consumer reported, that 19 MOM was playing in a tub with the baby shark bath toy. He slipped & fell on shark hard plastic fin on top causing cut & trauma to anus. They took him to the doctor for treatment.
Product Details
- Product Description: Robo alive Junior baby shark bath toy in the color yellow
- Manufacturer/Importer/Private Labeler Name: Zuru Inc.
- Brand Name: Baby Shark or Pink Fong
- Model Name or Number: Roboalive junior baby shark
- Serial Number:
- UPC Code:
- SKU#:
Date Manufactured:
- Retailer: Walmart
- Retailer State: Kentucky
Purchase Date:
- Product Category: Toys & Children
- Product Type: Toys
- Product Code: Water Toys (1365)
Incident Details
- Incident Description: My 19 month old son was playing in the tub with a baby shark bath toy made by Zuru Inc. On 2/3/22
He slipped and fell on the hard plastic fin on top causing a cut and trauma to his anus. We took him to the doctor and had everything documented. The company needs to do something about this. My son is terrified of diaper changes and baths now due to his injury! This was very traumatic for him and it shouldn't happen to anyone else's children.
Incident Date:
- Incident Location: Home/Apartment/Condominium
Victims Involved
- Injury Information: Injury - Seen by Medical Professional
- My Relationship to the Victim: My Child
- Gender: Male
- Victim's Age When Incident Occurred: 1 year 7 months
Comments from the Manufacturer/Private Labeler
- Zuru Inc. : Zuru Inc. (“Zuru”) appreciates this report being brought to its attention. Zuru wants to assure the Commission and its customers that product safety is its top priority. To that end, the Zuru Robo Alive Junior Baby Shark (the “product”) is subject to rigorous independent laboratory testing to ensure that it complies with all applicable rules, regulations, and industry standards, including but not limited to ASTM F963-17, the Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety. In addition to pre-market testing, the product is also subject to extensive ongoing quality control procedures once it has entered the market. Zuru does not believe that the product presents a defect or quality issue. Zuru thanks the Commission for this notification and the opportunity to provide this response.
Additional Details
Submitter has product?:
Product was damaged before incident?:
Product was modified before incident?:
- If yes to any, explanation: It was something he got for Christmas from his grandparents. The pictures of the injury are at his pediatrician on their camera due to the nature of the injury location.
Have you contacted the manufacturer?:
If Not, Do you plan to?:
- Report Number: 20220208-A0014-2147357663
Report Date:
Sent to Manufacturer/Importer/Private Labeler:
Report First Publication Date:
- Category of Submitter: Consumer