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Attachments (5)
Report Summary

The consumer stated, that this Personal Activity Tracker gave this consumer a rash/burn on the wrist.

Product Details
  • Product Description: Fitbit ionic
  • Manufacturer/Importer/Private Labeler Name: Fitbit, Inc
  • Brand Name: Fitbit
  • Model Name or Number:
  • Serial Number: F8593
  • UPC Code:
  • SKU#:
  • Date Manufactured:
  • Retailer:
  • Retailer State:
  • Purchase Date:
  • Product Category: Sports and Recreation
  • Product Type: Track, Field & Exercise
  • Product Code: Personal Fitness/Activity Trackers (5038)
Associated Recall
Incident Details
  • Incident Description: Fitbit Ionic gave me a rash/burn on my wrist
  • Incident Date: 1/21/2021
  • Incident Location: Home/Apartment/Condominium
Victims Involved
  • Injury Information: Injury - Level of care not known
  • My Relationship to the Victim: Self
  • Gender: Unknown
  • Victim's Age When Incident Occurred:
Comments from the Manufacturer/Private Labeler
  • Fitbit is aware that skin irritation affects a very limited number of consumers who use wearable devices all day and all night from sweat, water, or soap being held against the skin under the device, or from pressure or friction against the skin. We encourage users to follow our wear and care instructions, available at If any users are experiencing skin irritation we encourage them to remove the device to give their wrist a rest. If symptoms persist longer than 2-3 days after removing the device, users should contact a dermatologist/their doctor. Fitbit takes every complaint very seriously. If you have provided contact information, a Customer Support agent will contact you within 7 days. Otherwise please contact us at
Additional Details
  • Submitter has product?:
  • Product was damaged before incident?:
  • Product was modified before incident?:
  • If yes to any, explanation:
  • Have you contacted the manufacturer?:
  • If Not, Do you plan to?:
  • Report Number: 20210127-960AF-2147366229
  • Report Date: 1/27/2021
  • Sent to Manufacturer/Importer/Private Labeler: 2/23/2021
  • Report First Publication Date: 3/9/2021
  • Category of Submitter: Consumer