Report Summary
18YOM was riding a motorized skateboard in the road when the skateboard suddenly stopped, throwing the man off into the road. 18YOM was taken to the hospital. He suffered severe traumatic injuries to head, teeth and hand. Injuries also included concussion, deviated septum.
Product Details
- Product Description: Onewheel +: self-balancing electric skateboard
9" x 11.5" x 30"
weight: 25 lbs.
- Manufacturer/Importer/Private Labeler Name: Future Motion Inc.
- Brand Name: Onewheel +: self-balancing electric skateboard
- Model Name or Number:
- Serial Number:
- UPC Code:
- SKU#:
Date Manufactured:
- Retailer: Manufacturer
- Retailer State:
Purchase Date:
- Product Category: Sports and Recreation
- Product Type: Cycling, Scooters, Skateboards & Skates
- Product Code: Scooters / Skateboards, Powered (5042)
Incident Details
- Incident Description: On March 8, 2019, the injured party was leaving a meeting with the Dean of Students at his high school academy just after lunch. At or around 12:40pm, at or around [REDACTED], the injured party was riding his OneWheel motor skateboard down a flat, smooth surfaced area of the neighborhood subdivision, with a friend following at safe distance behind in her vehicle. While safely and properly operating the OneWheel motor skateboard, the consumer suddenly experienced a “nosedive” where the OneWheel skateboard suddenly, and without warning, immediately locked up and stopped causing a nosedive, resulting in the operator of the motor skateboard to be thrown forward, causing him to slam/nosedive face first into the pavement. At the time the OneWheel skateboard “nosedived,” the operator was traveling between 20 and 30 MPH, the weather was clear and sunny, and it was not raining.
Immediately after the injured party fell face-first into the pavement after the defective OneWheel skateboard “nosedived,” the severity of the consumer’s injuries were clearly apparent, and an ambulance was called to the scene. The injured consumer was rushed to the area hospital where he was diagnosed with the following injuries:
1. Blunt abdominal trauma;
2. Severe concussion with short term memory loss;
3. Post-concussion syndrome;
4. Blunt Chest Trauma;
5. Tooth Avulsion;
6. Hand sprain; and
7. Deviated septum.
While the injured party was staying at the hospital and receiving ongoing medical care for his injuries, the severity of his mental injuries continued to worsen. Specifically, the injured party was diagnosed as follows in the days during his care at the area hospital:
1. High level concussion with memory trauma on March 11, 2019;
2. Suspected traumatic brain injury (TBI) with confirmed anterograde amnesia on March 15, 2019;
3. Migraine type headaches with anterograde amnesia on March 20, 2019;
4. Confirmed traumatic brain injury as a result of brain bleeding, seizure-like activity, deteriorating vision, severe balance problems, and nausea on March 21, 2019;
5. Memory resets as a result of seizure-like activity with/ intensifying migraines on March 25, 2019;
6. Emergency intensive EEG ordered by Neurologist on March 31, 2019 as a result of suspected Petit Mal Seizures lasting as long as 5 minutes;
7. Extreme reading issues with/ “jumpy” eyes and the inability to track words/lines on the page, and brain trauma induced color blindness on April 24, 2019; and
8. Diagnosed with slow processing speed, decreased visual scanning accuracy, deficits in working memory, weak auditory attention span, slow reading speed, and substantially decreased IQ.
The consumer had not consumed any drugs or alcohol at the time of his injury, and by all accounts was operating the OneWheel Motor Skateboard in a safe, responsible manner, as was intended. The consumer’s injuries as a result of this unreasonably dangerous product continue to manifest themselves, and in all likelihood the consumer will continue to receive medical treatment for these injuries for the foreseeable future.
The consumer was prompted to submit this report as a result of the severity of his injuries; upon the realization that these injuries were caused by a defect in the OneWheel Motor Skateboard that could not have been avoided by the injured consumer, thus placing the safety and well-being of other consumers of this product in jeopardy; and upon learning of numerous other consumers of this product who have also suffered severe injuries as a result of this exact same product defect.
Incident Date:
- Incident Location: Street or Highway
Victims Involved
- Injury Information: Injury - Emergency Department Treatment Received
- My Relationship to the Victim: My Child
- Gender: Male
- Victim's Age When Incident Occurred: 18 years
Comments from the Manufacturer/Private Labeler
Additional Details
Submitter has product?:
Product was damaged before incident?:
Product was modified before incident?:
- If yes to any, explanation: The product is owned and was purchased by a family friend and they still have it.
Have you contacted the manufacturer?:
If Not, Do you plan to?:
- Report Number: 20190701-D0461-2147380157
Report Date:
Sent to Manufacturer/Importer/Private Labeler:
Report First Publication Date:
- Category of Submitter: Consumer